California Science & Engineering Fair
2020 Application


The 2020 Application Process is now available.

Before submitting this Application, you should be sure that you satisfy the eligibility requirements for the Fair, qualifying through the appropriate County/Regional Science Fair. For confirmation, find your name on the list of students eligible to submit applications.

Also before starting this application process, please make sure that you have all of the answers to the questions on the sample paper application at hand. In particular, we recommend that you not wait until you've completed the first few pages of the application before starting to compose your Project Summary. Instead, compose it in your favorite word processor ahead of time so that when you reach the page asking you for it, you can copy and paste each of the pieces (Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusions) into the appropriate fields. (Important: Special characters in your word processor, like curly quotation marks and bullet symbols, will not translate correctly, and instead will each appear as “#”, which is not what you want. You can fix this on the Project Page by following the directions there.) Please note that the length of your Project Summary is limited to what will fit into the allowed space on a single printed page formatted as in the Application Packet. You will have an opportunity to see that page as your judges will see it, and can revise it, before you complete the application.

For the purpose of meeting your Submission Deadline, your application will be considered “submitted” when you submit the last page of the application and receive your Confirmation Code. It is considered “complete” when the rest of the items on the Application Checklist are received by the Fair. For teams, the project is considered submitted when the earliest member of the team finishes his/her application. All other members of the team must submit their own applications, but have no impact on the determination of whether the project has been submitted by the “Submission Deadline.”

  1. EMail Spam Blocking: If you maintain an email white list (or spam filter) which prevents previously unknown people (such as us) from sending you email, please add to your list now. All important communications from the Fair to you regarding your participation will be via email. Importantly, the first page of the application will confirm your email address by sending you a verification link and code immediately after you press its submit button. If you don’t get that email, you won’t be able proceed on the application, and won't get anything else from us, either.
  2. Multiple Applications: Some teachers (and some parents) plan to submit applications for more than one participant. If this describes you, it is important that you finish the first application and receive its Confirmation Code (the “E”-number at the very end) before starting the next application. Overlapping applications within the same browser will cause one of the two applications to be lost.

Alert: Friday, March 13, 2:47 pm:
The Application System is presently unavailable. Please return to our Home Page later today for an update.

If you are unable to access the application system owing to the web site on the following pages being down, please phone 213-740-1101 or email immediately.

See also our Frequently Asked Questions on the Application.

Last updated: Fri Mar 13 14:48:29 PDT 2020
California Science & Engineering Fair / Application /