1995 Category Winners in
- First Place: S1616
- Kuramoto, Lani R. Grade 11, Los Angeles County
Poecilogony vs. Cryptic Speciation in the Brittle Star Ophionereis annulata (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea)
Advisor: Dr. Duane Nichols
School: Alhambra High School, Alhambra
- Second Place: S1621
- Poole, Cyndi M. Grade 10, Los Angeles County
Nodule Formation as a Defense Mechanism in the Penaeid Shrimp, Sicyonia ingentis
Advisor: Mrs. Margery Lee Weitkamp
School: Chaminade College Preparatory, West Hills
- Third Place: S1606
- Chow, Alexander Grade 11, Los Angeles County
Systematic Relationships Among the Genera and Subfamilies of the Nereididae (Annelida: Polychaeta)
Advisor: Dr. Duane Nichols
School: Alhambra High School, Alhambra
- Honorable Mention: S1627
- Wu, Sharlene L. Grade 10, Los Angeles County
Behavioral Changes Induced by Odor in a Locust
Advisor: Dr. Duane Nichols
School: Alhambra High School, Alhambra
List of all projects in this panel
California State Science Fair
1995 Category Winners