1996 Category Winners in
- First Place: S1605
- Chow, Alexander Grade 12, Los Angeles County
Further Research on the Systematic Relationships among Genera and Subfamilies of the Nereididae
Advisor: Dr. Kirk Fitzhugh
School: Alhambra High School, Alhambra
- Second Place: S1618
- Kuramoto, Lani R. Grade 12, Los Angeles County
Poecilogony vs. Cryptic Speciation in the Brittle Star Ophionereis annulate (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea)
Advisor: Mr. Duane Nichols
School: Alhambra High School, Alhambra
- Third Place: S1630
- Thomas, Holly A. Grade 12, San Diego County
Are there Tide-Associated Rhythms in Dock-Bound Crabs, Pachygrapsus crassipes?
Advisor: Mr. Larry Nordell
School: Mount Miguel High School, Spring Valley
- Honorable Mention: S1626
- Rymer, Gerard J. Grade 12, San Diego County
Newly Discovered Chemotactic Response of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus using a Prototype Biological Phase Processing F
Advisor: Ms. Autumn Chapman
School: Gompers (Samuel) Secondary School, San Diego
List of all projects in this panel
California State Science Fair
1996 Category Winners