Atterholt, Jessie A. Grade 7, San Bernardino County
- A Taphonomic Study of the Pacific Summits Site, Victorville, California
Advisor: Mrs. Barbara Atterholt
School: Hesperia Junior High School, Hesperia
Bloomquist, Ashtan N. Grade 7, Mendocino County
- What's in the Feed that They Need?
Advisor: Mr. John Stillwell
School: Baechtel Grove Middle School, Willits
Casey, Kevin J. Grade 7, Kern County
- The Role Common Insects Play in Mechanical Disease Transmission
Advisor: Mrs. Susan Lippert
School: Tevis Junior High School, Bakersfield
Deinhard, Robin A. Grade 8, Santa Barbara County
- Muddy Buddies
Advisor: Ms. Leslee Frair
School: La Colina Junior High School, Santa Barbara
Rausch, Heather V. Grade 8, Santa Barbara County
- Muddy Buddies
Advisor: Ms. Leslee Frair
School: La Colina Junior High School, Santa Barbara
Downes, Brendan F. Grade 7, Orange County
- The Euryhaline Hermit Crab
Advisor: Mr. Ryan Garrity
School: St. Margaret's Episcopal School, San Juan Capistrano
Enns-Rempel, Chris B. Grade 8, Fresno County
- Food Preferences of Local Birds
Advisor: Mr. Albert Ashjian
School: Lone Star Elementary School, Fresno
Evaristo, Mitchael Q., Jr. Grade 7, San Diego County
- Taste Sensitivity in Musca domestica
Advisor: Mr. Al Rode
School: Sweetwater Academy for Individual Learning S, Chula Vista
Fugle, Jed J. Grade 7, Butte County
- When Do Birds Feed?
Advisor: Mr. Todd Lanam
School: Paradise Charter Middle School, Paradise
Gungle, Matthew S. Grade 8, San Diego County
- How Long and How Often Do Flamingos Feed Their Chicks?
Advisor: Ms. Sherry Jones
School: Julian Junior High School, Julian
Hernandez, Kari L. Grade 8, San Diego County
- Ants and Sugars
Advisor: Mr. Bruce Peterson
School: Rincon Middle School, Escondido
Heydeman, Drew L. Grade 8, Monterey County
- "Fatal de Ducktion": Duck Attractor Potential Effects of the Moto-Duck on Harvests
Advisor: Mrs. Dianne Begbie
School: Colton (Walter) Middle School, Monterey
Higashi, Jennifer S. Grade 8, Orange County
- Artemia Adventures: The Effect of the Salinity of the Water on the Hatching of Brine Shrimp
Advisor: Mrs. Patricia Salamonson
School: Acaciawood School, Anaheim
Howard, Raquel E. Grade 7, San Diego County
- The Effect of Brown Hydra on Phenotypic Changes of the Daphnia pulex
Advisor: <none acknowledged>
School: Nazareth School, San Diego
Kaufmann, Kaitlin A. Grade 6, Fresno County
- Does Nectar Affect a Hummingbird's Selection of a Feeding Source?
Advisor: Ms. Sheri Natali
School: Lincoln Elementary, Fresno
Kennedy, Mathew Y. Grade 6, Ventura County
- Predator-Prey Relationships and Population Dynamics
Advisor: Mr. Brent Susman
School: Ocean View Junior High School, Oxnard
Kobashigawa, Erin A. Grade 8, Los Angeles County
- How Low Can You Go?
Advisor: Ms. Cay Enns
School: Brentwood School, Los Angeles
Lang, Sarah B. Grade 7, San Luis Obispo County
- Acheta domestica Color Vision Acuity
Advisor: Mr. Jonathan Miller
School: North County Christian School, Atascadero
LeBoeuf, John T. Grade 8, San Luis Obispo County
- Can Too Much Oxygen Be Harmful?
Advisor: <none acknowledged>
School: North County Christian School, Atascadero
Lin, Sheri Grade 8, Orange County
- Roly Polys Shall Roll No More: The Effect of Salinity in the Soil on Amadillium vulgare
Advisor: Mrs. Patricia Salamonson
School: Acaciawood School, Anaheim
Peckler, Chelsea Q. Grade 6, Calaveras County
- Cold Fish in Hot Water
Advisor: Mrs. Sue Jackson
School: Mokelumne Hill Elementary, Mokelumne Hill
Martin, Melanie B. Grade 6, Calaveras County
- Cold Fish in Hot Water
Advisor: Mrs. Sue Jackson
School: Mokelumne Hill Elementary, Mokelumne Hill
Miller, Tracy L. Grade 8, San Bernardino County
- Happy Hooves
Advisor: Mr. Paul Yamamoto
School: Pioneer Junior High School, Upland
Mitchell, Amy L. Grade 8, San Bernardino County
- Happy Hooves
Advisor: Mr. Paul Yamamoto
School: Pioneer Junior High School, Upland
Mills, Tabatha M. Grade 7, Kern County
- How Does Moisture Affect the Tunneling Ability of Ants?
Advisor: Mrs. Anna Williams
School: Standard Middle School, Bakersfield
Montgomery, Connor F. Grade 6, San Mateo County
- Do Hummingbirds Have a Preference in Color when Feeding?
Advisor: Mr. George Montgomery
School: Our Lady of Angels Elementary School, Burlingame
Morris, Maia J. Grade 6, Santa Cruz County
- Fish Respiration
Advisor: Mr. Steve Seffinger
School: Happy Valley Elementary School, Santa Cruz
Muffley, Shanna R. Grade 8, San Bernardino County
- What's on the Menu Today? An Experiment to Determine What Walking Sticks Prefer to Eat
Advisor: Ms. Mary Bryant
School: Truman Middle School, Fontana
Nachbaur, Moriah K. Grade 8, San Mateo County
- Anna's Choice III: Does Feeder Exposure Influence Feeder Choice by Anna's Hummingbirds?
Advisor: Dr. Royal Ingersoll
School: Crystal Springs Uplands School, Hillsborough
Nakaba, Katherine E. Grade 6, Los Angeles County
- Ants and Different Types of Sugar
Advisor: Mr. Peter Starodub
School: Palos Verdes Intermediate School, Palos Verdes Estates
North, Robin F. Grade 7, Humboldt County
- Chill Out: Salmon on Ice Over Time
Advisor: Mr. Jeffrey Self
School: Pacific Union School, Arcata
Self, Kate E. Grade 7, Humboldt County
- Chill Out: Salmon on Ice Over Time
Advisor: Mr. Jeffrey Self
School: Pacific Union School, Arcata
Oblath-Johnson, Elissa B. Grade 8, Los Angeles County
- Baa Baa Black Faced Sheep
Advisor: Mr. Dan Brown
School: Adams (John) Middle School, Santa Monica
Orr, Crissy M. Grade 7, Ventura County
- Fast Food for Orius insidiosus? Artificial vs. Natural Diets as Measured by Fecundity
Advisor: Mr. Brent Susman
School: Ocean View Junior High School, Oxnard
Pratt, Lauren G. Grade 8, Ventura County
- Buddy Growing
Advisor: Mrs. Debbie Dunn
School: Mesa Union Junior High School, Somis
Reck, Dyana S. Grade 8, San Diego County
- What Colors Are Butterflies Attracted to the Most?
Advisor: Mrs. Elaine Gillum
School: Marshall (Thurgood) Middle School, San Diego
Single, Alexander J.T. Grade 7, Fresno County
- Bird Use of Flood Control Basin Habitats
Advisor: Mr. David Piercy
School: Alta Sierra Intermediate School, Clovis
Stein-Bodenheimer, Gadielle I. Grade 6, Los Angeles County
- Spin Little Worms, Spin!
Advisor: Mr. Carl Reichenberger
School: Sierra Canyon Middle School, Chatsworth
Suarez, Allison G. Grade 6, Calaveras County
- Predicting the 1999 Fall Mokelumne River Salmon Run
Advisor: Mr. Thomas Suarez
School: Valley Springs Elementary School, Valley Springs
Stout, Christopher J. Grade 6, Calaveras County
- Predicting the 1999 Fall Mokelumne River Salmon Run
Advisor: Mr. Thomas Suarez
School: Valley Springs Elementary School, Valley Springs
Triska, Iris Grade 7, Humboldt County
- How Light, Background Color, and Background Texture Affect Color Changes in Pacific Tree Frogs
Advisor: Mr. John Triska
School: Pacific Union School, Arcata
Tudor, Kristina E. Grade 8, San Bernardino County
- Does Light Affect How Fast Fresh Water Planaria Regenerate?
Advisor: Mrs. Barbara Sickul
School: St. Timothy's Episcopal School, Apple Valley
Listings of All Projects and All Students
California State Science Fair
2000 Project Listings