The California State Science Fair brings together nearly 1000 students from every corner of the State of California to display the results of their labors to over 300 science and engineering experts. The Fair itself is focussed into a short span of two days. The following pages show views of this event during the past few years. What we cannot show you is the energy and drive of this impressive group of students over the course of the academic year leading up to the Fair. You can get a sense of how good they really are by visiting their projects and talking with them, but for that, you'll just have to come to the Fair.
The first day of the Fair is devoted to setting up projects. In the early 1990's the evening was capped at a reception/dinner (free to the student participants) where students could view competitors' and others projects, and occasionally meet informally with judges who want to sneak a peak at the projects. For the past few years, the dinner has been replaced with a Keynote Address combined with public viewing of the projects. In 1997, Douglas D. Osheroff (the then-most-recent Nobel Laureate in Physics) presented this Keynote Address. In 1998, Steven Chu (the now-most-recent Nobel Laureate in Physics) presented the Keynote Address. The excitement builds.
The second day begins early, with some judges arriving before 7 am. After separate orientation sessions for students and judges, they finally meet at the project displays. In addition to judges for awards given by the Fair, there are also judges for many Special and Recognition Awards. Add to this throng, photographers (including our own) and radio and television reporters from throughout the State. The Governor's Special Representative (and honorary co-chair) has visited the Fair every year to speak with students both en masse and individually.
The Fair ends with an Awards Ceremony at which over $40,000 in prizes and awards are presented to the best science projects, and budding scientists, in the State. Are you here?