Applied Mechanics/ Structures & Mechanisms/ Manufacturing
Berger, Justin T. Grade 10, San Diego County
- Geodesic Domes vs. Rectangular Structures: A Comparative Analysis of Strain under Load
Advisor: Mr. Tim Ziegler
School: Morse (Samuel F.B.) Senior High School, San Diego
Johnson, Jay C. Grade 12, Fresno County
- Holographic Interferometry 2: Design and Application of a Laser Based Nondestructive Stress Analysis System
Advisor: Mr. Charles Chortanian
School: Clovis West High School, Fresno
Kretschmer, Mark R. Grade 11, Ventura County
- Which Packaging Tape is the Best?
Advisor: Ms. Susan Valle
School: St. Bonaventure High School, Ventura
Lee, Robert E. Grade 9, San Luis Obispo County
- Performance of a .22 Caliber Long Rifle Cartridges Based on Penetration and Relative Force in Ballistics Type Tests
Advisor: Dr. Michael Landino
School: Morro Bay High School, Morro Bay
Macy, Megan E. Grade 9, Kern County
- Ultraviolet Light on the Line
Advisor: Mr. Chris Ostermann
School: Murray Junior High School, Ridgecrest
Mak, Ceayee Grade 11, Monterey County
- Keep Your Cool: Comparing Materials as Insulators
Advisor: Mr. Jeff Sweet
School: North Salinas High School, Salinas
Reeves, Robert R. Grade 12, Los Angeles County
- Light Induced Satellite Spin Reversal
Advisor: Mrs. Margery Lee Weitkamp
School: Chaminade College Preparatory, West Hills
Sanders, Matt D. Grade 9, Los Angeles County
- Which Bridge is Strongest?
Advisor: Mr. Louis Garcia
School: Brentwood School, Los Angeles
Schechter, Fred M. Grade 12, Fresno County
- Project E: Bike KRE-XV
Advisor: Mr. Greg Ohanian
School: Clovis High School, Clovis
Tanaka, Michael T. Grade 11, Santa Clara County
- Comparison of Cable Suspension and Girder Bridge Designs in a Simulated Earthquake
Advisor: Mr. Richard Tanaka
School: Leland High School, San Jose
Watanabe, Keith M. Grade 9, Orange County
- The Physical Basis for the Sweet Spot
Advisor: Mr. Michael Nakaue
School: Woodbridge High School, Irvine
Listings of All Projects and All Students
California State Science Fair
1993 Project Listings