2009 California State Science Fair Photographs

photo during judging interview period Several projects in the Junior Environmental Engineering category. Starting from the front is Jedediah A. Fitzgerald (right) speaking with a Special Awards judge, Ms. Kristina Ellis, who was judging for the Hefni Excellence Awards. Behind them are Aaron A. Ford waiting for his next interview, another Junior Environmental Engineering judge, Dr. Eugene Krc, interviewing (and obscuring our view of) Eleanor O. Frost. Beyond them is Gabriella P. Glover awaiting her next interview, Nagy C. Hakim looking the other way, and several other students not presently identified.
10:04 am

Can you help us identify anyone else in this or other photographs in this collection? If so, please write to us at CalifSF@usc.edu giving the name of the student (or judge) you see and the picture identifier “t0703.” Please describe which student you are identifying.

A higher resolution version of this picture is available upon request.

California State Science Fair / 2009 / Photographs / CalifSF@usc.edu