CSSF Students Win Major Awards in the
Second Annual Discovery Young Scientist Challenge

Marisa Ingrum from Northridge
Jessie Atterholt from Hesperia

BETHESDA, MD (October 26, 2000) -- Today, Discovery Communications, Inc. (DCI) announced the winners of the second annual Discovery Young Scientist Challenge (DYSC). Both students representing California in the final competition won major awards. The final competition for $40,000 in scholarship monies and other prizes had previously been narrowed to 40 students from throughout the country.

Marisa Ingrum placed seventh among all competitors.

In addition, both Jessie Atterholt and Marisa Ingrum won special awards based upon their projects and performance during the science challenges this past week.

Here are their CSSF Projects
Jessie Atterholt Hesperia
Marisa Ingrum Northridge

The 40 Finalists were invited to travel to Washington, DC, all expenses paid, October 21-26, 2000, to compete in science challenges at two Smithsonian Institution museums. Challenges took place at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History and the Smithsonian National Museum of American History. For three days, student teams were assigned different challenges, each of which concentrated on a different discipline of science. Students were judged on their individual communication skills, leadership skills, and problem-solving abilities while working on the challenges. In addition, students were judged on oral presentations of the projects that won each student a nomination to the DYSC. While in Washington, the Finalists were also treated to a number of exciting activities, including behind-the-scenes tours of the Smithsonian Institution, tours of the City, and meetings with leading Smithsonian scientists.

For more information about the Discovery Young Scientist Challenge, including a complete listing of the names of all winners, the 40 finalists, and the 300 semifinalists, including their school, state and project title, please visit the DYSC website.

California State Science Fair / 2000 / DYSC Awards / CalifSF@usc.edu