CSSF Category Awards: 2015
Plant Biology

Senior Division


Awards Ceremony photo to come

S1814 — First Place
Kapil Sinha, Grade 11
Characterization and Utility of Resistance Sources against Resistance-Breaking Rhizomania in Sugar Beet
Advisor: Dr. Kelley Richardson
School: Salinas High School, Salinas, Monterey County
S1809 — Second Place
Madison P. Meredith, Grade 12
A Novel Strategy for Augmented NUE: The Use of Actinomycetic Transmembrane Metabolism in Agricultural Crops: Year 3
Advisor: Ms. Jacqueline Pennell-Meredith
School: Monache High School, Porterville, Tulare County
S1811 — Third Place
Sophie J. Parsa, Grade 9
Trees: Family or Foe?
Advisor: Dr. Gregory Gilbert
School: Santa Cruz High School, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz County
S1812 — Fourth Place
Andee L. Poole, Grade 9
Effect of Age on Primary Nutrient Content in Bovine Manure
Advisor: Mr. Davin Aalto
School: Hallmark Charter School, Sanger, Fresno County
S1808 — Honorable Mention
Larson T. LeDuc, Grade 12
Ken K. Ross, Grade 11
Once in a Green Moon: A Study of Plants' Survival in a Simulated Lunar Day Cycle
Advisor: Mrs. Debbie Lewis
School: Desert High School, Edwards, Kern County
S1815 — Honorable Mention
Olivia L. Woodford-Berry, Grade 12
A Novel Approach to Improving Drought Tolerance: The Effects of Biochar on Crop Yield
Advisor: Mrs. Cathy Messenger
School: Los Gatos High School, Los Gatos, Santa Clara County

Listings of All projects in this panel and All Category Awards


California State Science Fair / 2015 Category Awards / CalifSF@usc.edu