California State Science Fair:
Judges E-Mail Directory

Alphabetical Listing: M

This is the complete list of judges who have served at the California State Science Fair during the years listed below, showing all of the panels on which they have served. If you are looking for a judge whose last name begins with a letter other than M, click on the appropriate letter in the list below:


The links in the table below will focus on one panel at a time, including all judges who have served in that category and their e-mail addresses.

Judge 1997 1998 1999 2000
Mr. Michael C. Machzynski Jr-CH Sr-CH Sr-CH Jr-PA
Mr. Glen E. MacLeod Sr-AM Sr-AM Sr-FM
Mr. John A. MacMillan Jr-CH Jr-CH Jr-CH Sr-CH
Mrs. June M. MacMillan Jr-PB Sr-PB Jr-PB Jr-ZO
Mr. Vazken Madenlian Jr-AM Jr-AM Jr-AM Jr-AM
Clara E. Magyar Jr-PY
Mr. Jon E. Mahn Jr-EA
Mr. Robert A. Makl Jr-PA
Dr. Marguerite E. Malakoff Sr-BE Jr-BE
Dr. Gene Mancini Jr-ZO Sr-ZO
Mr. Allen Mann Sr-MA Jr-PA
Mr. Nicholas C. Manoukis Jr-ZO Jr-PB
Mrs. Marine Mardirian Jr-AM
Mr. Robert S. Margulies Sr-MA Jr-MA Jr-MA
Mr. Robert S. Marimon, PE Jr-AM
Mrs. Rosemary Marimon Jr-ZO Jr-EB Jr-ZO Jr-ZO
Mr. Mark K. Markarian Sr-PH
Dr. Ken Marton Sr-FM Sr-CH
Mr. Michael M. Marvi Sr-BE
Dr. Benjamin M. Maser Sr-PY
Mr. Gary C. Masterman Sr-EA Sr-EA Jr-EA
Mr. Andrew L. Maverick Sr-AM Sr-EN
Dr. Emily Maverick Sr-PH Sr-CH
Mr. Mark L. Mayo Jr-PY Jr-PY Sr-PY Sr-PY
Mr. Bruce McCollum Jr-MA
Mrs. Shannon Leigh McConnell Sr-EN Jr-EN
Mr. Jonathan E. McDunn Sr-CH Jr-BI Jr-CH Sr-PH
Mr. Scott C. McFarland Jr-AM
Dr. Robyn McGuire Jr-MI
Dr. Elliot G. McIntire Jr-EB Jr-SO
Ms. Nancy McIntyre Jr-PY
Dr. Harry McKellop Sr-FM Sr-AM
Jeanette A. McKenna Jr-SO
Mr. Sean McKeown Jr-ZO
Mrs. Wendy A. McKeown Jr-ZO
Prof. Thomas H. McNeill Jr-PH Jr-ZO
Dr. Nancy L. McQueen Jr-MI
Dr. Roy A. Meals Sr-PY Jr-EN Sr-ZO Sr-ZO
Dr. Susan L. Mearns Sr-BE Sr-PH Sr-PH
Dr. Andrew Melatos Jr-FM Jr-FM Sr-PA
Dr. Michael Melnick Sr-PH Sr-PY Sr-PY
Mrs. Rita Meneshian Jr-EB
Mr. Steven M. Menkus Jr-AM Sr-PA
Dr. Surenda N. Menon Jr-BI Sr-BI
Ms. Marie Meyer Jr-BE
Ms. Melissa Midzor Jr-BE Jr-SO Jr-PA
Mr. Rich Miller Sr-AM Sr-FM Sr-PA
Mrs. Cheryl Minke Jr-SO Jr-SO
Mr. Dean L. Misterek Jr-FM
Prof. Dennis K. Mitchell Sr-CH Sr-CH
Ms. Katherine Mitsouras Jr-MI
Ms. Myra M. Mizokami Sr-BI Sr-BI
Mr. Scott D. Moe Sr-PB Jr-EB Jr-MI
Mr. Arman Moheban Sr-EN
Dr. Jamil Momand Sr-PH Sr-PH
Dr. Miguel Z. Monroy Sr-EN Sr-EN
Mr. Jason E. Moore Jr-PH
Ms. Marisela Moreno Jr-PB
Mr. Michael A. Morgan Sr-CH Jr-CH Jr-CH Jr-CH
Dr. Melvin M. Moriwaki Sr-PA Jr-PA Jr-MS Jr-MS
Dr. Richard H. Moyer Jr-FM Sr-AM Jr-AM Jr-MS
Dr. Jean V. Mueller Jr-PY Jr-PY Jr-PY Jr-PY
Dr. Pamela J. Mueller Jr-ZO Jr-ZO
Dr. Patrick Muggli Sr-FM
Dr. Neal C. Murphy Jr-MI Jr-PH Sr-PH

If you are looking for help in getting started with your science fair project, then start by trying out one of the resource pages/programs we have constructed here for you:

  • Getting Started
    This is a set of links around the Internet which are all intended on helping you get started on a successful science fair project.

  • Sample Project Titles
    This contains thousands of titles of projects presented at the California State Science Fair. If you want to learn more about one, you may be able to contact the presenter through our Alumni E-Mail Directory which contains over 1600 of our alumni.

  • Advisor Program
    This program provides Internet mentoring between students and professional scientist selected by the California State Science Fair. Long-term mentoring, as well as project idea help, is provided.

Last updated: Tue 11 Jul 2000 08:52:45 am
California State Science Fair / Judges E-Mail Directory: M /